

Reflecting on your first year as a high school student and determining what worked for you and what didn’t is important. This is a great chance to review your four-year plan and see if it’s still the best path for you. Your plan should include the courses you want to take and how to qualify for them. For example, if you plan to take advanced calculus in your senior year, you must take prerequisite math courses earlier in high school. Your plan should also include extracurricular activities like clubs, sports teams, and jobs. Colleges appreciate students who are committed to their passions and gain experience through various activities, but they’re also looking for quality participation over quantity. If you want to be the freshman representative on the student council, aim to become the student body president by your senior year to stay involved in different activities throughout your four years. Try anything that interests you.


I recommend you meet with your academic counselor at least once a year to ensure that you are on track with your goals. Academic counselors can assist you with your four-year plan by answering questions about preparing for your dream college, helping you choose courses, and recommending how to take advantage of everything your high school offers. Meeting with your academic counselor early in the school year can be constructive because they can advise you on starting the term and are usually less busy with other students.

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