

Overall score distributions for 2023 AP Exams can be found on Twitter or Instagram.


Did you know your AP scores could earn college credit or advanced placement? It’s true! However, it’s important to note that you must make at least a 3 to pass. Remember that each college or university may have their own passing score requirements, so it’s best to check with them directly. Best of luck with your AP exams! 

Use THIS TOOL to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP scores. 

College Board continues to provide valuable resources to help students on their AP Journey! You can learn about the following  HERE: 

AP CAPSTONE is a unique program that spans two years and is based on two advanced placement courses, AP Seminar and AP Research. Unlike other AP courses that delve into specific subjects like biology or U.S. history, AP Seminar and AP Research are designed to help you develop academic skills that can be applied to any discipline. So, if you want to enhance your academic prowess and become a well-rounded student, AP Capstone might be the perfect fit for you! 

See which careers match your interests and skills by taking a CAREER QUIZ, and then you can CONNECT AP COURSES TO MAJORS AND CAREER  recommendations!

These  SERIES OF VIDEOS will focus on practicing free-response and multiple-choice questions; each session will only be 15 minutes long. The videos will be available on both AP Classroom and YouTube, so you can watch them wherever is most convenient.

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