

As a parent, you play a vital role in shaping your child’s future and helping them prepare for college and their dream careers. Your insights into your child’s personality, interests, strengths, and weaknesses are invaluable in guiding professionals to create a personalized transition planning process for them. You can encourage your children to explore their interests in different fields of work and living styles, set realistic post-secondary and employment goals, and help them achieve them by providing support and guidance.

To prepare your children for their future, you can take proactive steps such as encouraging them to participate in extracurricular activities, developing their time and financial management skills, identifying their unique strengths and weaknesses, teaching them networking skills, and enrolling them in pre-college and college courses and workshops. These actions can help your children develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to succeed in their post-secondary journey and beyond.

Research suggests that family involvement strongly predicts post-secondary success and meaningful employment. As a parent, your role is critical in encouraging your children to learn and develop essential life skills. By providing support, guidance, and motivation, you can help your children achieve their full potential and ensure their success in college and beyond.

ASK your children about their interests and help them look for ways to reflect their interests in a career choice.

TALK to your children about your work and/or the jobs of friends and relatives so they will learn about several work alternatives.

RESEARCH middle and high school course options and explore  what’s needed to enroll in college or a post-secondary training program.

HELP your children decide whether they should attend a high school that offers vocational training, the arts, rigorous courses, or a little bit of everything.

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